After many years of litigation, and attending hundreds of mediations,
we started providing mediation services. In this capacity, we
act as a neutral third party to assist parties in resolving their
conflicts. We set a sliding fee scale based on the value of the
case, and then provide a refund of a portion of the fees if we
do not successfully resolve your matter. Because of our litigation
and financial backgrounds, we are convinced we can always identify
a creative resolution to any conflict brought to us. We guarantee
that we will work harder to achieve a resolution than any other
mediator. Please contact us for a quote for our mediation service,
or to discuss our qualifications further.
is Mediation?
is a form of alternate dispute resolution that attempts to reach
a resolution between adversarial parties before going through
the trial process. Mediators use learned techniques, act as neutral
third parties, and facilitate communication, to assist all sides
in coming to a mutual agreeable resolution.